Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Job Hunting

Job hunting is certainly a chore. It seems like there is always another district I should have thought of. It would be easier in a sense if I were a traditional student without a husband and home when looking for a job. That way I wouldn't feel tied down to central Ohio. As it is, I would really like to not have to drive more than 30 minutes from Westerville. Each cover letter needs to be individualized. Each resume altered a little. Each application a ridiculously long process. On top of that, you never know when, let alone if, you will hear from anyone. I am a planner and not knowing what my life will be like in the fall is difficult and stressful for me. If anyone has any knowledge of upcoming openings in central Ohio for 7-12 life science, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Uncertainty is a cruel state of mind. I don't know of any openings but I do know that a certain number come open in July when teacher have to decide whether or not to return to their old jobs. As a former principal I always hired people that I knew as substitutes or that were recommended by a trusted colleague. Use whatever networks you or friends have to get you a face-to-face interview. Good luck!
